Xinyu Cui

Xinyu Cui
M.S. candidates
+86 15209170792


Workout; Travel; Warhammer 40K; NJPW (New Japan Pro-Wrestling)

Education Experience

2017.09-2021.06: School of Oceanology, Hainan University

2021.09-Now: School of Marine Biology and Fisheries, Hainan University

2023.09-2024.09Academic leave

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Research Interests

My current research interests align with those of my supervisor, focusing on the functional genomics and trait optimization of microalgae. While these studies are specific to microalgae, many of the underlying concepts and mechanisms are applicable across diverse branches of the tree of life. I have also developed a keen interest in synthetic biology, particularly in leveraging genome editing technologies to elucidate and enhance natural processes. My work primarily centers on the following two areas:

High-efficiency genome editing of Chlorella spp. by CRISPR-Cas9

From this, I discovered an interesting inducible bidirectional promoter, which I named Psece. I explored a genome editing system based on CRISPR-Cas9 in Chlorella sp. MEM25. The target gene have been edited precisely using self-designed vectors where the Cas9 and a gRNA scaffold fused to the hammerhead ribozyme and the HDV ribozyme are under the control of an endogenous bidirectional promoter Psece. The genome editing efficiency is approximately 8% and higher than available reports with an absence of off-target mutations.

Characterization, standardization and artificial design of bidirectional promoters of Chlorella spp.

Chlorella-derived bidirectional promoters PCr-1, PCr-2 …PCr-50 were isolated and generated into vector CP4 to produce plasmids CP4-PCr-1, CP4-PCr-2 …CP4-PCr-50. These plasmids were transformed into Chlorella sp. MEM25 by electroporation. Positive transformed strains had been identified by PCR and Sanger sequencing. Now I am evaluating the promoting effect by fluorescence measurement.

Honors and Fellowships

优秀研究生Excellent Graduate Student at School Level, 2024 (

国家奖学金National Scholarship, 2024 (the highest honor for M.S. students of China)(

Engineering a marine microalga Chlorella sp. as the cell factory. The 9th Microalgae Production, Learning and Research Conference. Postgraduate Forum. Grad II Award (3/40), 2023 (

Discovery and Characterization of Bidirectional Promoter in Tropical Oceanic Chlorella spp., and CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Knockout System Establishment. The 3rd National Innovation Competition in Synthetic Biology. Silver Award, 2024(

Selected publications (#equal contributor; *correspondence)

Cui XYXin YXiao YZhang BXGan QHLu YD*. High-efficiency genome editing of Chlorella spp. by CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Biotechnology Journal (SCI, IF=13.26, JCR: Q1, TOP). (2024). Submitted. ( The real-time status of the paper: It has been revised according to the comments of the initial reviewers and submitted, awaiting the review by the editorial department.)

Chen YT#, Song CY#, Cui XY#, Han JK, Kalyanee P, Gan QH*, Lu YD*. Halophilic microalga-based circular economy producing functional food by reclaiming high-salinity seafood processing sewage. Biomass and Bioenergy (SCI, IF=6.0, JCR: Q1). (2023).

Gan QH, Cui XY, Zhang L, Zhou WX, Lu YD*. Control phytophagous nematodes by engineering phytosterol dealkylation Caenorhabditis elegans as a model. Molecular Biotechnology. (SCI, IF=2.6, JCR: Q3). (2023).

Gu JH#, Xiao Y#, Wu MC#, Wang AQ#, Cui XY, Xin Y, Kalyanee P, Lu YD*. Artificial switches induce the bespoke production of functional compounds in marine microalgae Chlorella by neutralizing CO2. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproduct (SCI, IF=6.3, JCR: Q1, TOP).  (2023).

Lu YD, Ahmed F, Esjoufer N, Xinyu Cui. The utility model relates to a heavy metal polluted wastewater treatment device and method. Chinese Patent. ZL 202111574776.0.

Lu YD, Ahmed F, Esjoufer N, Xinyu Cui. An alga resistant to lead and copper. Chinese Patent. ZL 202111572217.6.

Lu YD, Ahmed F, Esjoufer N, Xinyu Cui. Isolation and Application of a Lead-Tolerant Microstelia Algae Strain. Chinese Patent. ZL 202111570621.X.